The Reasons and Concerns Why Children Should Not Be Allowed to Participate in Any Beauty Pageants Essay

Imagine your child is five years old and just beginning to understand this crazy thing called life. You dress them in button up shirts and bejeweled dresses that cost up to eight thousand dollars. You add a fake tan, fake nails, fake hair piece, fake eyelashes, and fake teeth just to compete in a beauty pageant. The child doesnt become confident in themselves but in what they become on stage. This led me to the conclusion that any child under the age of thirteen should not be allowed to participate in any beauty pageants,natural or glitz. Most beauty pageant contestants range from three months to eighteen years of age but some parents compete their children as young as one month old. These children grow up only knowing the life of a pageant child. The life of a pageant child consists of excessive money spending, extreme pressure, and unrealistic expectations for themselves. The cost of participating in beauty pageants can add up to almost 10,000 with about 1,000 being the least amount spent. The cost of a single dress for a pageant can be anywhere from fifty dollars to eight thousand dollars. Add in the cost of a tan, hair, teeth, nails, pageant coach, and make up artist and this becomes thousands of dollars in cost. In the end the cost outweighs the winnings of a pageant by almost three hundred percent. This teaches the child to pay whatever the price to become what they view as beautiful, which could make a huge impact on their future. A child entered in beauty pageants at a young age has a higher chance of developingpsychological problems as they mature into their teen years. The children are judged on their looks, personality, and everything in between. It is unfair and morally unjust to judge a child solely on something so subjective as to how they...
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