The Nitty City of Frankfort Essay

My hometown is the capital city Frankfort, KY. But for myself and others who are native to the city of Frankfort will ever just know it as the Capital City. Frankfort is in the center of two interstates that separates our states largest rivalry, between The University of Kentucky and The University of Louisville. This is a city where farmers, river rats and hill country people despise one another in all completion. Frankfort is the only city where four fingers can be held in the air and not be seen as gang sign, but a sign of family and pride. Those of us who are from here know Frankfort as The Nitty. Frankfort is bisected by the Kentucky River that runs through the south side of our town. But even with the city divided in half, there are really three very distinct parts of town. The eastside of town is a place where a number of races are present but white people still make the rules in our community. The Nitty is a city that is divided into three parts. The eastside of town consist of country boys who still drive their big wheel tractors and girls that wear cowgirl boots to school. Growing up in middle school the eastside of town was known as Flyer nation due to the fact our County high school was on this side of town and their mascot is an eagle. On this side of town a country lifestyle is well embraced. But the eastside isnt all rednecks and hicks Kentucky State University which is a historically black college is located on the east hill. The west side of town is fairly new most of it wasnt constructed until the 1980s. Our movie theater, community swimming pool and most of our restaurants are on the west side of town. The people on this side of town can be considered as high class, Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger models. Since...
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