The Population and Famous Building Techniques of Pompeii Essay

Pompeii the ancient city of Italy, found in the Campania Region,built at the mouth of the Sarnus River, it is located about three kilometersouth of mount Vesuvius, between Herculaneum and Stabiae. The city wasbuilt around 600 b.c. by the Oscans. Which was later taken over by Samnites.It later became a Roman colony in 80 b.c. under the dictator LuciusCornelius Sulla. Pompeii became a favorite resort for wealthy Romans andreached a population of about 20,000 at the beginning of the Christian era.The city was heavily damaged by earthquakes in a.d. 63 and was latercompletely demolished in a.d. 79 by an eruption of vesuvius that alsodestroyed Herculaneum and Stabiae. Here is a quote from the letter of the Younger Pliny "Meanwhile onmount Vesuvius broad sheets of fire and leaping flames blazed at severalpoints, their bright glare emphasized by the darkness of night." Roman Architecture is very spectacular and very simuler to GreekArchitecture. The Romans like to build temples to dedicate to their gods,Romans also have a lot of art that is included in there architecture. Inthis research I will talk mostly about their building techniques, and thetype of materials they used to construct there buildings, I will alsomention some of the more famous buildings that were constructed at Pompeii. The buildings that were built at Pompeii were manly constructed outof a large verity of different types of stones that were found in the hillsof Pompeii. the stones were retrieved from the volcanic mass from mountvesuvius. Here are some examples of the stones that the Romans used toreconstruct their buildings, the Sarno limestone it could be sawn intolarge blocks this stone is a fair building material and it consists of anunattractive, cold gray color it was used for the capitals of the Dorictemple in Pompeii, Sarno stones a very similar stone to the Sarno limestone.The Sarno stone was sometimes used for unfluted column drums to befinished with stucco. But...
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