The Principles of the Bhakti Movement Essay

The Bhakti movement was premised on peaceful reforms in societal and religious growth. The establishment of the Bhakti movement was critical to enforcing tolerance in the masses therefore, the emphasis on devotion as the sole means of spiritual salvation was a key tenet in the movements doctrines. The Bhakti movement emphasizes on communal unity in worship without discriminatory segregation between social groups or castes (Singh 17). Hence the movements critical features which distinguished the Bhakti and other Hindu movements.The movements principles ebbed on the aspects of attaining salvation through defined distinct means the attainment of salvation through submission to God and illustration of selflessness in an individuals devotion and unconditional love for God. Hence an individuals empathetic perspective illustrated through charitable and positive actions towards the needy in society critically contributes to the attainment of salvation. Therefore, attainment of salvation is a process of self sacrifice and absolute submission to God while being enlightened through learning and understanding the critical tenets and doctrines towards salvation (Singh 28). The Bhakti movement was significant to the lower classes where illiteracy and poverty manifested. The notable saints of the movement were instrumental in the creation of a reformed society where the poor and lower class people were considered as equals in the attainment of godliness.The Bhakti movement illustrates significant deviations with the Great tradition religion. The Great tradition religious aspect of Hinduism aligns towards Brahmanism Given that Brahmans are characterized by the upper caste groups which are awarded significant social privileges in contrast to the other middle and lower castes. The great tradition ebbs towards philosophical ideologies, which are refined in their illustration of regional variations (Singh 12). These place emphasis on unity as illustrated by pervasive relativism and religious diversity in societal groupings. However, the Bhakti movement does not place social preference to any designate social group nor does it impose segregation according to castes, social class or regional context (Singh 17).The Bhakti movement emphasizes the fundamental...
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