The Relation of Toru and Kumiko in Wind Up Bird Chronicle Essay

Jameka WashingtonIB World Lit. Period 5thNovember 22, 2011Reflective StatementDuring today interactive oral, we focus on book two of the Wind Up Bird Chronicle. From the first group they discuss about the purpose of Kumikos letter to Toru. Rosalyn had stated that Kumiko knew how emotional Toru could be and would have really hurted his feelings. She even thought Toru would have been interrupting Kumiko while she was talking making it hard for her to explain her feelings. I learn that a letter is personal and you can put down all of your feelings. Allowing Kumiko to tell nothing but the truth. Murakami could have made Kumiko to write the letter to reflect on Toru and Kumiko relationship, how distant it was. Also, from Brianna I learn that the letter gives you time to think about exactly what it is you trying to say. It is obvious that Kumiko did not want to talk to Toru by not putting an return adress or Kumiko family could be behind this because they is not a fan of Toru. I also learn that Murakami separated chapter 12 and 13 because it shows how Creta Kano is starting to become a important character. It seems like Kumiko then step out the picture and Creta is going to take her place. Also, I learn that this shows different points of views of Creta and Toru life. During book two there is a timeline from July to October. Which is summer where everything be happy to fall where leaves falls. This shows a symbol for Kumiko and Toru relationship, how it starts to fade. Also, this can show that Toru has shift his personality and is becoming a men...
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