The Main Features of Photosynthesis Essay

PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis means "putting together with light." This takes place in chloroplasts, which have chlorophyll in them. Chlorophyll absorbs the sunlight. From sunlight, green plants combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and oxygen. Green plants use sugar to make starch, fats and proteins. These are tiny pores called stomata. Stomata are plant spores, which enable gas exchanges to take, place, and water to vapor to be lost. This has the benefit of moving water up the plane in a process called transpiration. The pore and the guard cells make up a single stoma. There may be as many as 6 million per typical leaf. The area just inside the internal structure of the leaf and below the stoma is the air space, which brings carbon dioxide very close to the palisade parenchyma tissue. Oxygen and carbon dioxide enter and leave through the stomata. Plants also sleep at night by closing their stomata. They cannot make food at this time. When green plants absorb solar energy, they convert it to chemical energy. This chemical energy aids in the growth and functions of the plant. When an organism eats the plant, it gets energy to carry out its processes. Without solar energy, plants could not grow, and life on earth would cease to exist. Chlorophyll, found in plants, is used to trap solar energy. This solar energy is import for the separation of H atoms from H2O. When water splits, H2 is released and built into ATP and NADPH2. O2 is given off, as well, which aids in the respiration of living organisms. The ATP and NADPH2 produced in the light phase is ready to be used for the reduction of CO2 to form glucose in the dark phase. The chemical equation for photosynthesis in green plants light 6CO2 12H2O C6H12O6 6O2 6H20 Currently, fossil fuels are our main source of useable energy on earth, but they are rapidly being depleted and...
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