The Negative Consequences of Jellyfish Overpopulation Essay

Jellyfish overpopulationAHS1000Jellyfish Throughout the course of human history, change has proven to be inevitable and ubiquitous. Constant transformations have led to new economic practices, new technology, and new ways of facilitating interactions between people. These changes not only determine our current and future situation, but also teach us valuable lessons regarding which boundaries should not be passed. Innumerable transformations have been present throughout history, some of which have had a negative effect on the biosphere. Ultimately, humans have been the artists responsible. Currently, people are orchestrating two negative impacts on the world Climate change and overfishing. These outcomes of human malpractice each have further negative consequences such as jellyfish overpopulation. These creatures are a catastrophic symptom of human interference with the balance of the biosphere. To understand how they came about and the threats they pose, oceans, overfishing, climate change, and jellyfish themselves must be analyzed. The ocean has a vital role in the maintenance of the earths environment, as well as provide resources that people depend on. Earth as we know it is called the blue planet. It is called this way for a variety of reasons, but mainly because water composes roughly 70 of the worlds surface area. The oceans of the world are crucial for regulating global temperature and climate. By trapping the radiation from the sun, they regulate atmospheric temperature through evaporation, resulting in a cooling down effect. In addition, they hold roughly 80 of all life on earth. Such biodiversity, however, has faced a continuous and exponential decline for a variety of reasons. The main reasons are climate change and overfishing.Many people rely on the food resource that oceans provide. However, over exhausting any of earths resources is not a good idea. Overfishing can be defined in clear terms as continuously catching more fish than what a system can produce. According to multiple studies, 90 of predators have been wiped out of...
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