The Positive and Negative Effects of Creatine on the Human Body Essay

May 5, 19999AHP4 OutlineQuestion Should creatine be legal?Title Creatine The legal supplementI. IntroductionA. Background on Creatine1. Historya. Beginning of supplementationb. Advancements2. Functiona. Purposeb. UsesB. Problem Should creatine be categorized as a drug or a dietary supplement?II. BodyA. Positives of Creatine1. Bigger Bodies and Stronger Muscles2. Better than SteroidsB. Negatives of Creatine1. Overdosing2. Dangers of the unknownC. SupportersOpposers of CreatineIII. ConclusionA. Summary of Important factsB. My opinionIV. Works Cited Creatine The legal supplementCreatine monohydrate is a natural weightlifting supplement. It is currently the hottest selling body building product on the market (Mathas 1). Ten years ago supplements consisted of only protein, carbohydrate powders, vitamins, and minerals (Phillips 3). In 1985, Engineered Foods, creatine, Phosphagen, vanadyl, OKG, AKG, Glutamine and other popular supplements of today were unheard of (Phillips 4). When steroids were wiped out there was a huge void left in it's place. There was a demand for something to get the extra edge that was received from steroids. This demand attracted the scientific community in the pursuit of non-pharmaceutical agents that would increase muscle building abilities and fat lose (Phillips 4).The advancements in supplementation have been remarkable. Over the past 10 years the use of supplements has risen greatly, and the use of steroids has dropped in proportion with that rise (Phillips 3). Today creatine is available at any drug store or pharmacy without a prescription (Jeansonne 1). It is available in several forms powder, pills, gel, liquid, and even candy (Jeansonne 2). Creatine is now even available in two different forms creatine monohydrate and creatine phosphate (Stout 1). Bill Phillips, executive editor of Muscle Media 2000, believes that by the year 2005 people will be able to equal if not exceed what is reached now through the best steroids, and that these "miracle" products will be used by everyone (Phillips 4). He also states that in the future supplements will work through regulation of amino acid turnover in muscle cells...
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