The Origins, Causes and Treatment of Reye-Jacobsen's Syndrome Essay

is an extremely rare, non-contagious disease thought to betriggered by aspirin use. The actual origin of the disease is unknown. Reye'sSyndrome, occasionally called Reye-Jacobsen's Syndrome, is known to follow anyviral infection. Two of the most common viral infections it precedes isinfluenza, the flu, and chicken pox. A now-familiar warning on bottles ofaspirin, most notably Tylenol, is not to give Tylenol to a child who isrecovering from the chicken pox, a fever, or any other viral infection. Thelink between aspirin and Reye's Syndrome and is not fully understood, but allreported cases of Reye's Syndrome include a child who has received aspirinbefore infection. Symptoms of Reye's Syndrome may often be mistook for a recurrence of theflu, or extreme exhaustion. These symptoms include vomiting, confusion, lack ofcoordination, distorted balance, irritability, a stupor-like state, and a recentinfection from a viral illness. The symptoms often begin with vomiting andprogress to a stupor and near comatose state. This disease is often found inyoung children and infants. Over sixty percent of reported Reye's Syndromecases occur in children under the age of sixteen, with the majority of thesecases being in children under six. Although less than five percent of Reye'sSyndrome cases occur in people over the age of sixty, the elderly are often themost severely affected, due to old age and weakening immune systems. Infants,while hindered by their young age, can often fight the infections of ReyeSyndrome better, for reasons doctors do not yet fully understand. The severityof Reye's Syndrome is classified on a scale of 1-5, with one and two being theonset of symptoms and four and five being the most severe, with the patientbeing comatose. With the most severe of Reye's Syndrome cases, internal fluidbuilds up in the brain and there is irreversible brain damage or even death.While the disease is not often fatal, it is essential to treat the disease early. Reye's Syndrome is not contagious, but the diseases that can lead to, such asthe flu, and...
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