The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle - Theories, Stories and Myths Essay

The Bermuda Triangle For years, many planes and ships have disappeared in the area of the bermuda triangle. The bermuda triangle is an area of the world located to the Southeast of the United States and it is also referred to as the "Devil's Triangle." The triangle is formed by drawing imaginary lines from Melbourne, Florida, to Bermuda, to Puerto Rico, and back to Melbourne. One of the many tales about the Bermuda Triangle is that there has never been any wreckage or bodies found from any reported missing planes or boats. That is only a fairy tale, there has been discoveries of planes with bodies in them found off the coasts, but none of the found planes were ever reported missing. That could be because of the numerous amounts of planes that disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. There are many disappearances within the Bermuda Triangle that we can't be told about because a lot of planes and ships belong to the Coast Guard and the Navy. There are many theories that different people believe in that explain the unusual phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle. Proffessor Chareles Berlitz of the University of Indiana has collected many differnt theories about the Bermuda Triangle. One of Proffessor Berlitz's theories is that the Bertmuda Triangle has a magnetic field in it. Whenever satellites go over the Bermuda Triangle any tapes or pictures that they to take don't develop. That could be because tapes are magnetic and if magnetic forces are used on them, all the information and data on them would be erased. If this magnetic field really existed it would be so powerful that tapes can be erased from 8 miles from the...
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