The Meaning of Money Rhetorical Analysis in the Novel, Atlas Shrugged Essay

The Meaning of Money Rhetorical AnalysisThe Meaning of Money appeared in Ayn Rands novel Atlas Shrugged and was given in the book by her character Francisco DAnconia, the owner by inheritance of the worlds largest copper mine. DAnconia makes the speech during a party in the book while the conversation of money comes up, after one of the characters states in relation to Francisco, You know, money is the root of all evil, and hes the typical product of money. Francisco then asks what the root of money is, leading to his overall point that money is not evil, and rather it is a tool of exchange between human beings that allows for peaceful interaction. Examples of rhetorical devises used throughout the speech are repetition, personification of money, a high amount of logos, and smaller amounts of pathos.Francisco demonstrates repetition in the first paragraph after he explains his reasoning behind why money is not evil. He ends the paragraph by asking, Is this what you consider evil? He then rewords the same question at the end of five more paragraphs in the speech. One quote from the speech that provides more context of what Francisco is saying before repeating the question is, Money is the product of virtue, but it will not give you virtue and it will not redeem your vices. Money will not give you the unearned, neither in matter nor in spirit. Is this the root of your hatred of money? By repeating reworded versions of this question at the end of each point he makes, he influences the reader and the other characters in the book to question their current beliefs of money, and ask why they hold it to be evil, when it can be described as such a noble entity. This is an effective method because in order to persuade a person of an opposing viewpoint, one first has to make them question their own beliefs by being aware...
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