The Race Implicit Association Test Essay

I took the Race Implicit Association Test not knowing what it was about. I entered my age, gender, race, place of origin, where I am a resident,postal code and education and religion and politics. When the studystarted I was surprised how fast I needed to be with my fingers and howI really was quicker to hit the white face was good. I did not mean todo that and I surely don't believe that I honestly feel that way. Ibelieve that it could be the media andor my upbringing. It could alsobe that I preference whatever is my own race? I understand the point ofthis test was to exhibit how our conscious mind deals withnon-consciously modified behaviors and how we don't even know how ourmind is in control of our own feelings and knows more than we would evenwant it to know. I am surprised that my results indicated that Ipreferred whites to African-Americans. I wonder if I could have beenunintentionally influenced as I grew up among all white (non Hispanics)and attended an all white school and church. I feel that I would know ifI was being influenced or becoming bias, but apparently I was mistaken.When African-Americans surround me, I feel as normal and as comfortableas if I was surrounded by whites however, my mind might besubconsciously feeling different. I wonder if this is because I reallydon't want to feel this way and know it is wrong to feel as such. I tryvery hard in life to be open, unbiased and friendly to all. I raise mydaughter as if everyone is equal and I do not even bring up the subjectof race thinking no mention of it is the best approach so she isn't evenaware and a difference in skin shouldn't even be a topic that needed tobe talked about and just known and accepted just like everyone hasdifferent hair in life. Parents don't sit down, give lessons...
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