The Rhythm and Poetic Techniques Used in Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" Essay

Mending Wall by Robert Frost is a poem in which the characteristics of vocabulary, rhythm and other aspects of poetic technique combine in a fashion that articulates, in detail, the experience and the opposing convictions that the poem describes and discusses. The ordinariness of the rural activity is presented in specific description, and as so often is found in Frosts poems, the unprepossessing undertaking has much larger implications. Yet his consideration of these does not disturb the qualities of accessible language and technique, which give the poem its unique flavor and persuasiveness. The poem works on two levels of realism and metaphor, with a balance as poised as the act of mending the all itself.(themes) Perhaps one of the reasons that Frost remains one the best known and best loved American poets is that his themes are universal and attractive. They offer the reader affirmative resolutions for the conflicts dramatized in his life and his poetry. Readers, whether young or old, waging their own struggles against the constant threat of chaos in their life, find comfort and encouragement in many of Frosts lines which are so cherished that they have become familiar quotations Good fences make good neighbors, Miles to go before I sleep.(theme) Mending Wall is about boundaries. Frost, in a personal evaluation of this poem stated, Nationality is something I couldnt live without. I played exactly fair in it. Twice I say Good fences, twice I say Something there is. While giving a reading of his poetry in Santa Fe, Frost called the Mending Wall too New Englandish and that mending wall is an occupation he used to follow. The neighbor in the poem is not a Yankee as represented, but is actually A French-Canadian who was very particular every spring about setting up the wall.(themesubject) Frost often stated that he felt spoken to by nature. He called these incidents nature favors and these favors served as inceptors of his poems. Many people...
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