The Role and Significance of Telekinetic Energy in Humans Essay

Moving objects from one place to another without using physical contact. The re-shaping of objects using the mind's energies, such as bending a spoon, or key, by just holding it and focusing. is created by higher levels of consciousness. It can not be created by 'wishing it' to happen on the physical level. The energy to move or bend an object is created by a person's thoughts created by their subconscious mind. Your energy levels must be very high. The desire to move or break or bend an object must exist in a level of though we do not as yet have control over with the 10 of the brain human's presently use. Primitive man used instinctively as a form of survival. Today we do not remember how to access that part of our brain. There are teachers who can help develop this skill to some degree, but I do not know of any teacher who can help you develop so that you can use it 'at will' in our present third dimensional reality. Teenagers are most wanting to develop and other higher skills such as telepathy, as they know they will use them in their lifetime. On an intuitive level they know we are shifting reality soon where this ability and others will be open to humans once again. Many of the 'star children' --those who remember that they are connected to other worlds and realities--will try to tap into their higher gifts. 'Patience' is the name of the game. As the planet is shifting now into 4th dimensional frequency you will soon get to use these powers and be able to control them. For those who write to me and ask me to teach telekinesis, it is not possible to do this by email. I am sorry that I can not be of help developing it. Personally I have only random telekinetic experiences-- more with breaking objects, like pencils, than bending them....
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