What is Royal Jelly? Essay

Royal Jelly Royal jelly is a substance that comes from bees. What exactly is royal jelly and what positive effects does it have on humans? This paper will answer these questions. Royal jelly is a milky white secretion produced by the pharyngeal gland of the worker bee. It is full of a high protein which is, which they feed to the queen and to the youngest larvae (Towle, 1990).. During the first three days of life all bee larvae feed exclusively on this special and highly concentrated food. The queens continue to be nourished by this product, making the queen bee 50 larger than the other female worker bees, and contribution to her incredible stamina and longevity. Queen bees typically live 4 or 5 years, compared to the workers, who live only about 40 days (Mother Nature Health Products, 1995 Smart Basic Productcatalog information, 1999). Believe it or not the queen bee develops from an egg identical with those that develop into the workers. The difference between the queen and the workers result in the continuous diet of royal jelly that the queen is fed throughout her larval development (Towle, 1990). Many people believe that royal jelly can be effective in humans. Many people believe that adding royal jelly to a persons diet can help humans also. Royal jelly can halt the aging process of humans, nourishing the skin and erasing facial blemishes and wrinkles. Royal jelly has also been used to treat cases of fatigue, and depression. Also growing pains from adolescence, and in preventing the signs of normal aging (Smart Basic Productcatalog information, 1999). Royal jelly has also shown evidence of treating some bone and also joint disorders. It was shown that injections of royal jelly relieved the arthritis (Go Symmetry Health Page, 1996). Many other health claims have also been made, such as increased appetite, toned and strengthened skin, relief for weak and tired eyes, rejuvenation for...
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