An Overview of the Process of Making Spaghetti Essay

How to make spaghetti exciting Specific purpose To inform my audience on how you can make spaghetti exciting Central Idea you can always make food more fun if you become creative Organizational Pattern Tropical INTRODUCTION I)Freshly boiled noodles, thick smooth sauce, meatballs, lemons, cheese, pars leaf are the necessary ingredients for this exciting dish A.Not what you think when your thinking about spaghetti B.Learning how to cook spaghetti is simple, its basic steps, easy to follow i.but its when you become creative, that you can make it more fun II)I'm going to show you how to make a face out of spaghetti A. you will be able to entertain guest, or have a dish your children would look forward to III)Like many of you, I've always know how to cook spaghetti A.It wasn't until this recent project, requiring my creative ideas, that allowed me to think of making a face out of spaghetti B.I have tested it, and its fun. You and your friendsfamily will get a good laugh IV)There are only two main steps A.Step one is to prepare the food B.Step two is to become creative (Transition Let's begin with preparation.) BODY I) Preparing to cook spaghetti is simple A. you need spaghetti noodles, meatballs, thick tomato sauce, and packaged meat. i. getting creative you need one lemon, garlic bread and pars leaf B. You should place the garlic bread in first, give or take its cooking time of about 30-35 min C. You want to bring the noodles to a boil i. drain water from noodles D. Fry meat, allowing it to turn brown i. as meats cooking, grind E. For the meatballs, I prefer microwavable ones i. it's a time saver F. Heat up the sauce (Transition With the food prepared and ready to go. You're now ready to become creative) II)You want to begin by using a round plate A.Place...
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