A History of Coffee Essay

To begin the history of coffee is dated back to the 12th century, where men in Africa began to drink it. As the legand has it a shepard in Ethiopia noticed his goats prancing around with great youth after they ate a red fruit. Being curious he ate it and felt very fresh. His wife then gave it to the prist, he felt that baking it would weakin its power. He then pounded it and put it into water to put out the fire. He then drank the water and was later very energetic. The Europeans began to become firmiliar and like coffee by the 19th century. The only people that could afford it were poets and rich people. This new need of coffee spread to the french, dutch,and then to brazillians. Brazil is the world's largest coffee producing country. The modern drip coffee maker is one of the most simple coffee devices. When opening the top you will find three things. The bucket, which holds the water at the beginning of the cycle. A tube, that carries the hot water to the drip area. The drip area, water areives here from the tube and falls through the holes into the coffee grounds. The heating element is a coiled wire similar to those in a light bulb or in a toaster. The heating elemant has two jobs which are boiling the water, and once the coffee is made it keeps it warm. The switch on the maker turns the heating element on and off. Now that you know what parts make up a coffee maker this is how it works. First, pour in cold water, it flows from the bucket through the hole in the ...
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