A Description of the Business Strengths and Strategies of Australian Company Sun Cosmetics Inc. Essay

AustraliaExecutive SummaryThere are many components to a successful organization, among them is a steadyflow of innovative products that are consistently produced to high standards,available to customers when and where they are needed, and backed with diligentservice and support. We will demonstrate the viability of capturing asignificant market share of sunscreen products Down Under. We will inform youof our unique market entrance plans, our unique product and its marketableattributes. We will layout our target markets and their demographic information,and we will conclude with the profitability remarks necessary to gain yourconfidence and investment.Sun Cosmetics, Inc., the parent company, was founded in 1955 and has been apublicly held company since 1973. It was incorporated in the State ofMassachusetts. Any U.S. legal conflicts fall under the jurisdiction of theMassachusetts state court system. It's annual North American sales of sunscreenproducts are in excess of 20 billion. Sun Cosmetics created Oceana'sdevelopment team for the express purpose of penetrating Australia's regionalmarkets. Its members were selected based on their cultural appreciation andadaptability, their research expertise, and their discerning abilities with bothprimary and secondary data. Cheri Brown, Vice President of International Operations Robert Roy, Director of International Sales Marketing Helen Quinn, Director of Cultural Adaptation Becky Barth, Director of Research DevelopmentSun Cosmetics, Inc. will send two expatriate executives to F.H. Faulding Company Limited to work in commensurate positions and pay grades. The trainingand marketing guidance is invaluable from both perspectives. Product introduction and formulationDue to the high incident of skin cancer Down Under, primarily originating inyoung children, we have developed an additive that enables parents and childrento see that this sunscreen has in fact been applied to all areas of exposed skin. This additive is a coloring agent that fades approximately three minutes afterapplication. Taking advantage of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Summer Games approach,we...
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