An Argument Against the Use of BST in Dairy Products Essay

Milk Does it do a body good? As consumers become more aware of the technological advances in agriculture they become increasingly wary of food that has been altered due to genetic engineering or hormonal supplements. As society becomes more educated and informed, the average person becomes increasingly conscious of the foods that they intake. Many Genetically modified products that are introduced to the market encounter harsh opposition from the public as being impure and causing ailments. One such food that has grasped the publics attention is milk that has modified because it was derived from cows that were treated with bovine somatotropin. Bovine Somatotropin, or more commonly referred to as bST, is commonly given to dairy cattle to increase milk production, and it has many people worried about the harmful side affects from drinking milk containing bST. Bovine somatotropin increases the efficiency of dairies, and there is no evidence to suggest that bovine somatotropin has any adverse effect on the health of people that utilize products from animals that have been supplemented, or to the animals that have been supplemented. One of the many problems that has been encountered when introducing milk that has been supplemented with bovine somatotropin is the pre-existing consumer beliefs regarding milk. According to an article in FDA Consumer, Generations of Americans have been told that milk is natures most perfect food. . . (Corey 48). Many people are therefore skeptical of any technological advances that cause milk to contain additives, or modifications. However it can be argued that milk is currently modified, using technological advances, to meet consumers needs and demands. In the previous article Corey argues that, Milk that is pasteurized to destroy bacteria, homogenized to evenly distribute fat, and fortified with vitamin D to improve nutritional qualities is the result of technological advances (Corey 49). It is only a matter of time before that the new technology of bovine somatotropin is as accepted as widely...


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