An Analysis of the Use of Technology in Improving the Competitiveness of Woodbridge Foam Essay

Implementing A CAD System TO Reduce CostsIntroductionThis report will analyze a proposal on how Woodbridge Foam could become morecompetitive through improvements in technology. This includes the saving of thecompanies money, shortening the design time for new products, decreasing quotingtime and improving quality overall. By implementing a company wide CAD system,which would be networked together with each customer and all plants, theseimprovements could be achieved. Research will include interviewing variousemployees as to how business is done and what influences the winning or loosingof a contract. Research will also include study of both customer andcompetitors systems.Project Scope Current Evaluation Goals Supported by CAD InitiativeIn converting to a completely independent CAD system, there are a few aspects ofoperation which would be greatly improved. The first of the improvements wouldbe the elimination of paper communication. The need to transfer large drawingsusing mylars would cease to be, thus helping provide a paper less environment.Another improvement as a result of CAD would be that of achieving much tightertolerances in building new products. Using a CAD system, part designs could bereceived in an electronic format such as a math model. These models arecurrently in use by customers such as GM, BMW and Mercedes. The effect ofhaving math models of all new products would enable a quicker turnaround in bothquoting and production of products. CAD Vendors Hardware Suppliers Uponobserving the various systems used by several customers and suppliers, the majorCAD vendors worth consideration have been identified. Manufacturers of highquality workstations which have been distinguish are Hewlett Packard (HP) IBMSilicon Graphics (SGI) SUN Premium, fully functional CAD solutions are CATIA(Dassault IBM) Computervision (Computervision TSI) SDRC (SDRC CADSolutions) Unigraphics (EDS) Current System Description Success Factors Inimplementing a new, otherwise foreign system into an established habitual way ofdoing things, there are several success factors which must be examined. Ifthese factors are carefully thought over, a favorable shift from old to new maybe obtained. Some critical success factors are as follows Vendor...
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