A Curiousity Over Exotic Foods Essay

Strange foods, is there such a thing? I dont think there is strange food, just exotic foods. Foods vary from country to country, what is considered exotic to one region maybe a staple in another. In this country we have a variety of strange exotic foods to experience. In search for exotic food I visited exoticmeats.com where I found meats that I would never consider touching let alone eating. This meat shop has snake, alligator, antelope, bear, possum, emu, frog, goat, goose, ostrich, reindeer, turtle, and many other types of meats. Though Ive never tried any of the above listed exotic meats, I can only imagine the wild flavors to be experienced. As strange as the list of meats may seem, a local strange food I found is pickle pigs feet. Though Ive never eaten them, my husband has and says they have a nice soft consistency and a tangy flavor. Hes tried some of the strange exotic meats on the list and says that each item has a distinct flavor that may seem unpleasant to someone who not open to new flavors. Most snake meat comes from Malaysia and other south east Asian countries. It is one of the most sought after meats because of its unique taste and delicate texture. Snake Meat requires about 55 minutes of low heat sauting or steaming prior to barbecuing. People compare snake meat to the taste of tender chicken. Snake meat is nearly 100 fat free. Alligator has white meat and is much like veal in texture. The tenderloin comes from a cylindrical tube inside the tail. The body meat is somewhat darker and has a stronger taste and slightly tougher texture, which is very similar to pork shoulder. Alligator tastes somewhere between chicken and rabbit, with a hint of frog legs. A strange food that is becoming an acceptable menu item is Ostrich. It is lean, tender red meat with a light, delicate flavor similar to...
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