Resolving Food Shortage by Strategic Food Distribution Essay

We Can Solve the World Food Shortage Problem in Our Lifetime. Most of us college students dont have to worry about hunger too much but the fact is hunger is a big problem in the world today. One person in every five is chronically hungry and 35,000 people die everyday of hunger. The worst earthquake in modern history--in China in 1976--killed 242,000 people. Hunger kills that many people every seven days(1. Praeger). Many reasons cause hunger such as transportation, population growth and land shortage. There are also many possible solutions to these problems. The world has a limited supply of irritable land in which to produce food. If the irritable land was distributed to everyone in the world equally, everyone would only get a football field sized portion of land (2. video notes). Better irrigation methods could control this problem. A lot of countries are also producing the most out of their land with new technologies. However poor countries dont have the technology to increase production. Advancements in plant genetics have also reached its peak so the most productive countries are producing as much as they can. Today we produce about enough food to feed everyone. The problem is distributing the food evenly. The U.S. and Canada have up to half of the food in the world (3. Lecture notes). All the extra food cant be given out because needy countries dont have well enough transportation to bring the food to the people. Storage is a problem because the food often spoils before it can even reaches the hungry mouths. Fixing the transportation problem in these countries could end the hunger. Increasing population growth is a huge problem. Population is grower faster then food can be produced to feed them. Agriculture, better health care and religion have all contributed to the increase in world population. It is estimated the population growth is 100 million people each year. Parents often have a lot of...
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