An Introduction to the Analysis of Nutrition Essay

My dietary intake throughout my life has changed with time, and circumstances. My early experiences have introduced me to a variety of foods. My parents have educated me from an early age the importance to eat well. The most important determinants influencing my nutritional intake are childhood experiences, education, time, income, food flavour, and texture. My early experiences have introduced me to foods from different cultures. My mother always made sure that I ate a healthy breakfast, lunch, and supper. She was certain to include all food groups, and even though I did not like milk, she always had cheese, and yogurt in my lunches. Dinners included milk, gran, meat, and vegetables. Rarely if ever did she lavish me with fatty desserts. Instead she would have ice cream, frozen yogurt, and fruit salads. As a full time student, and mother I understand the importance of good nutrition, and believe that it is detrimental for a child to be exposed to good nutrition from the start. My own additional education form secondary to post-secondary education has reinforced my mothers ideas of nutrition. Ultimately, my education, and early childhood experiences have put me on the right track to healthy nutrition. Convenience, availability, and income are major influences on my nutrition today. With my lifestyle I am rushed, and am forced to eat foods my mother would cringe at like french fries, and hamburgers. I lack in time to prepare myself healthy breakfasts, and lunches. My son eats better then I do, I set time aside to make him a good breakfast, and often lack in time to prepare my own. Lunches at school are supplied by the greasy spoon cafeteria where indulging in a poutine...
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