Fast Food Culture in Teen Lives Shown in Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser and Fast Times at Ridgemont High by Cameron Crowe Essay

Fast Food Defines Teen Culture Fast food influences our lives as well as our culture since the last few decades. Especially it affects the most on younger generation like high school students and teenagers. The relationship between fast food culture and teenagers is inseparable. In the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High and the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, there are many similarities on how fast food culture interacts with teens lives. The movie also reveals many negative sides of the fast food industry especially the employment of teenagers in fast food restaurants. According to Fast Time in Ridgemont High, fast food defines teen culture as fast paced, convenience, disrespectable, insecure, and superficial like employment and the relationship between males and females. Teen culture is how teenagers think and act in their everyday lives. A lot of times their lives are always somehow relate to the fast food industry, like their lunchtime and casual meeting place with friends can be occurred often at fast food restaurants. Furthermore, teenagers are also the main workforces of the fast food industry according to Schlossers statement Teenagers have long provided the fast food industry with the bulk of its workforce (Schlosser 70). Also the movie itself has shown many scenes of teenagers working at the fast food restaurants. From this we can see that teen culture is deeply affected by the fast food industry. In the movie, we can see many young people like to hang around in the shopping mall, especially in the fast food restaurants. Just like Schlossers opinion on teenagers love to hang in fast food restaurants because the food is cheap and convenient. As the movies title states Fast Times at Ridgemont High, everything happens fast and last very short including relationships between boys and girls. The character Stacy Hamilton (Jennifer Jason) is one example how short she has a series of relationships is with her boyfriends. First of all Stacy...
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