An Introduction to the Kindness of McDonald's Employees Essay

This is an exciting and interesting essay to write for a number ofreasons. For one it's an honour to make a research on one of the mostprofitable societies of the world, for second because the kindness ofMcDonald's employees and the precision of McDonald's Web site, areperfect sources for all kind of information that can help analysethrough Porter's value chain, all the aspects of its value creation.In the late 1940s, Dick and Mac McDonalds were searching for a way toimprove their little drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California,U.S.A. they invented an entirely new concept based upon speed service,low prices, and big volumes. Word of its success spread quickly, in1952 they had more than 300 franchising inquires a month from all overthe country. McDonald's is now the largest and best-known foodserviceretailer and one of the two best-known and powerful brands in themarket. With more than 24,500 restaurants in 115 countries, some ofthose operated by the company, some by franchisees or by affiliatesoperating under joint-venture agreements. The global market potentialis still huge yet on any day, even as the market leader, McDonald'sserves less than one percent of the world's population. The restaurantchain plans to expand their leadership position through convenience,superior value and excellent operations. The effort to increase marketshare, profita! bility and customer satisfaction has produced highreturns to shareholders a compound annual total earning of 21 overthe past 10 years. McDonald's vision is to dominate the world-widefoodservice industry. Universal dominance means setting theperformance standard for customer satisfaction and increasing marketshare and profitability through successful fulfilling McDonald'sconvenience, value and execution strategies. A precise way ofconsidering McDonald's' role of operations is through Porter's valuechain analysis. The Value chain breaks down the firm into itsstrategically relevant activities, in order to understand the behaviourof costs and the existing or potential sources of differentiation. Afirm gains competitive advantage by performing these strategicallyimportant activities more cheaply or better than its rivals. For acompany which feeds some 38 millions clients every day, finding areliable quality...
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