The Issue on Beef Essay

Where is my beef? Ever sense the rain of the hippies in the 60s and 70s eating healthy has been a popular thing in nutrition. Every one wants to be eating the best thing for them. Even if it means sacrificing a little taste in between. Beef has been the black sheep in all of this. The stereotype for beef is that it is fatty and leads to cholesterol problems. But this is not entirely true. In recent studies especially in the power lifting field beef is being pushed on the athletes more than its protein packed alternatives. Beef is one of the best natural sources for protein and iron that aids in muscle development, repairing, and restoring muscle tissue. The thing body builders are trying to accomplish in their workout. There are good alternatives to eating beef for a source of protein and iron. Be it daitary supplements, vegetables, or other meat can give your body protein. Chicken for example is a good source of protein and iron. There is one draw back in chicken. In equal servings of chicken it has only 40 of hem iron (one of the important irons that helps the most), 5580 of the iron in beef was found to be hem iron. So you do the math, a person would have to eat almost twice the amount of chicken to get the same amounts of nutrients that are found in beef. So we have a good argument going wont you say? But there are problems. Beef is only better if it is the right cut. The cut is a very important factor in all of this. The higher the percentage of non-saturated fat is the worse it is for you. The USDA attempts to regulate this and dose a good job of doing so. There are some problems, ground beef accounts for 45 of the beef sold in the United States....
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