An Introduction to the Analysis of Vegetarianism Essay

To eat is one of indispensable matters to maintain our life. We ingest food and get necessary energy and nutrition to live so, deciding what to eat is very important for us. Contrast with former times, todays people have more food choices. Under such circumstances, vegetarianism is getting more and more attention from people who seek better and healthier lifestyle. However, people who are interested in vegetarianism but not yet vegetarians may share two questions that are Is a vegetarian diet really safe? and Is vegetarian diet really better? Being vegetarian, I say, yes to the question. There are two excellent reasons to stop eating meat vegetarianism is good for efficient use of the natural resources and reducing the risk of adult diseases. Perceiving vegetarianism as beneficial, many people switch their diet from meat basis to plant basis. Vegetarianism contributes much towards conserving the natural environment. According to Castleman, about fifty percent of the land in the United States is devoted to agriculture eighty percent of that is used to grow livestock feed (28). Similarly, in the tropical rain forest, broad acres of jungle are cleared each day for large-scale cattle ranching (Castleman28). Cattle also use an extraordinary amount of water. Fifty percent of US water is used for producing livestock (Clark 100). It takes 1200 gallons of water a day to provide all the food for the average vegetarians. On the contrary, for the typical meat-eating person, it is 4200 gallons. Livestock productions cause not only inefficient use of water but also water pollution. Actually, livestock-industry wastes cause more than half of the water pollution in the United States. Moreover, it is ironic that grains fed to livestock, one third of worlds yield, could feed billions of humans under the condition of chronic hunger and malnutrition (Clark 100, Mukamal 15). Vegetarian food requires fewer resources to grow as Mukamal notes that it takes sixteen pounds of grain to produce a pound of beef and...
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