An Analysis of the Content in Milk Essay

Topicsignposts Today Ill explain to you why I choose not to drink milk any more. I would also like to explain some concerns, and interesting facts about milk. I am going to talk about the problems with the proteins, sugar, fat, and contaminants in dairy products, and the inadequacy of whole cows milk. 1.The content in milk a.)Low in iron- daily value is 15mg you would have to drink 31 quarts of milk. (Milk can also cause blood loss from the intestinal tract, which, over time, reduces the bodys iron stores) b.)Cows milk proteins stimulate the production of the antibodies. Destroy the insulin-producing pancreatic cells. (Researchers from Canada and Finland found high levels of antibodies to a specific portion of a cows milk protein, called bovine serum, in 100 percent of the 142 diabetic children they studied at the time the disease were diagnosed. Non-diabetic children may have such antibodies, but only at much lower levels) c.)Sugar people, particularly those of Asian and African ancestry, are unable to digest the milk sugar, lactose-diarrhea, and gas. Cant digest lactose, its breakdown products are two simple sugars glucose and galactose. Galact-ovarian cancer, cataracts. d.)Fat Whole milk, cheese, cream, butter, ice cream, sour cream, and all other dairy products aside from skim and non-fat products. High sat. Fat and cholesterol-cardiovascular diseases and certain forms of cancer (Trans.- now allow me to talk about the contaminants in milk.) 1.) Contaminants in milk. Milk contains frequent contaminants, from pesticides to drugs a.)One-third of milk products have been shown to be contaminated with antibiotic traces. b.)Osteoporosis- Health Study followed 78,000 women for a 12-year period and found that milk did not protect against bone fractures. Those who drank three glasses of milk per day had more fractures than those who rarely drank milk c.)Vitamin D. milk usually has less Vit. D then it says on the label. And in infant formula it carries too much sometimes which vitamin D is toxic....
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