Kleinmann Bus Company's Strategy of Penetration Pricing and Everyday Low Pricing Essay

Kleinmann EssayKleinmann utilizes the strategies of penetration pricing and everyday low pricing in such a simultaneous fashion they are more capable of accomplishing their defined objectives. In this sense, they utilize their bus far to accommodate their customers with utter convenience by making sure that the bus fare costs less than what it would take to fill up ones car. Essentially, they accomplish this tremendous feat by keeping their business up-to-date with the price of their resources, essentially allowing the most cost-beneficial option that also benefits their customers with the advantage of transportation convenience. In this sense, Kleinmann becomes well-suited to propel its business in an upward direction as a bus company that cares about its customers advantages more so than what they could benefit from not caring at all. It also helps that their pricing detriments others from seeking their competitors as they have carefully analyzed the cost of their pricing with the competition, thus ensuring that they provide the lowest cost for transportation services.Kleinmanns 1 ticket promotion could backfire in the sense that people could very well take advantage of it. What if people decided to barter it for something else? What if the person who claimed it decided not to use it and just started collecting all of the 1 tickets for himself? There could very well be people lining up just waiting for the 1 ticket to show up at a location and ensure it for their own personal benefit. One of the sole issues with this promotion is that people can manipulate the results. In a similar towards counting cards, they can stock themselves with 1 tickets, ensuring that others never get them and just collecting and using them for their own personal benefit. Sure, the tickets get registered as being used but Kleinmann would lose in the sense that this particular person would become less apt to advertise themselves on social media. In that sense, this is one potential...
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