A Book Report on A Civil Action by Jonathan Harr Essay

A Civil Action Term Paper In Johnathan Harr's book, A Civil Action, several children becamediagnosed with Leukemia in the very small town of Woburn, Massachusetts.When the parents of such children became aware of the amount of otherchildren affected by this disease so close by, they decided something mustbe done here. A lawsuit was filed and there was much action along the way.This book was a great read and there were many familiar things in this bookthat could be related to our Judicial Process class. The Woburn case was filed in 1980. This, after 12 children came downwith leukemia within this small community. Everyone pointed to the newwells put in place just miles away, possibly being contaminated. The peopleof Woburn all agreed that the water had a foul odor, was tinted, and tastedawful. The parents of these children were outraged and searched for answersin any and every way possible, when finally five of the families gottogether and agreed to allow Joe Mulligan of Reed Mulligan to representthem. Mulligan offered the families a contingency fee contract as theirform of payment. They agreed to allow Mulligan to one-third of the finalwinnings in the case. Even with this potential large sum of moneyguaranteed, the case laid dormant for years. It wasn't until right beforethe statute of limitations ran out, a new lawyer, Jan Schlichtmann, cameinto the law firm and picked it right back up. After a large mess ofthings, Schlichtmann decided to hand over the case to Anthony Roisman inWashington, D.C., and agreed to remain local counsel for the families, andin turn, split the winnings. Together, Roisman and Schlictman eventuallyfiled a complaint against the companies W.R. Grace and Beatrice Foods forthe illegal and negligent dumping of waste, which resulted in thecontamination of...


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