A Book Analysis of Shockwave Rider by John Brunner Essay

There are numerous books on the science fictionmarket, that deal with the myriad of possibilitiesinvolving the technology of the future. John Brunner sbook, Shockwave Rider, is one of the most popular, aswell as one of the most famous, books dealing with thisissue. Brunner presents many different realities to thereader, and they are all potentially very realistic interms of the current state of technology. For the mostpart, Brunner seems to illustrate that technology, as itrelates to the world wide datanet, is a good thing. Thisis not to say that he does not illustrate it as a verynegative reality in the world he presents to the reader,but he does indicate that the world wide datanet andtechnology has great potential to make the world a betterplace for all concerned.In Brunner s book we have a reality that isincredibly tense, and almost plausible today. The spacethat the author deals with is filled with endless bits ofinformation (information overload to be more precise),corporate domination, and it appears, just like manyscience fiction books that deal with the planet earth inthe future, everything is known about everyone. there areno secrets from the system. Brunner illustrates this as areality that is not necessarily very desirable. He plantsa character, Nickie Haflinger, onto the scene. As withmany books we can look at this character and see theauthor within. Haflinger is a prodigy whose talents allowhim to switch identities with a simple phone call. By theadvanced technology and the ingenuity that is completelyHaflinger s, we see that the author is not one to becontent with the realities that may be a possibility inthe future of technology.Brunner clearly illustrates, by the previousdescription of Haflinger, that technology and the advanceswithin that field, are incredibly beneficial, or they canbe. but he is clearly unhappy with the way things haveturned out due to the controlling nature of thegovernments. This is further illustrated in the fact thatBrunner s hero is a young man who is bent on changing theworld. He struggles...


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