A Character Analysis of Jean-Paul Sartre's "The Flies" Essay

Title The Flies (Les Mouches)Author Jean-Paul SartrePublisher Vintage International Edition, October 1989Genre Dramatic playSetting City of Argos, GreeceMinor charactersAegistheus- He overthrows Agamemnon, makes Clytemnestra his wife and takes rule of Argos. He invents lies in order to make his people fear him. This only proofs that he is poor when it comes to having an actual strong character. A king shouldnt have to create lies. His people should both respect and fear him for his authority, but due to his lack of authority he takes it upon himself to create these conditions so that he may get what he wants from his people. Tutor- He is Orestes advisor who is basically responsible for Orestes education and practically raised and nurtured him. He is wise and seems to be logical. The Tutor in my opinion is of importance to the play because he offers Orestes with support and logical advice. Electra- Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. When she was young Clytemnestra and her stepfather Aegistheus murdered her father. She grows to become a rebel. For fifteen years all she dreamt of was murder and revenge.When she is reunited with her long lost brother Orestes, she persuades him to avenge the murder of their father. Once this is accomplished she cant confront the consequences of her actions. She takes side with Zeus and takes his words as her excuse (It was committed by someone else one could hardly say even that you were his accomplice pg.114). Electra is a vital contribution to this play because she plays and fits the role of The Stone.Main characterOrestes, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra was to be executed as an infant but instead he escaped and was raised by good-natured people. Years later while he was still young, he returns to his native homeland Argos. His sister Electra persuades him to avenge their fathers death by killing his mother and stepfather.One of Orestes main conflict or problem was actually killing Aegistheus...
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