Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Effect on Consumers' Behavior Essay

Table of ContentsAbstract........3Introduction......4Overview of CSR........6CSR and Consumer Behavior......9Conclusion........14References........15AbstractThis research paper discusses Corporate Social Responsibility and its effect on consumer behavior from a managerial perspective. The paper discusses the ideal benefits and potential drawbacks of emplying CSR as a manager, the relevant theories associated with CSR-related decision making, specific case studies exemplifying a successful implementation of CSR in the business world, and specific recommendations for managers to employ a successful CSR campaign in the real world. Overall, the paper argues that CSR holds promise for a positive impact on consumer behavior, providing that it is correctly implemented. Companies should not have a singular view of profitability. There needs to be a balance between commerce and social responsibility The companies that are authentic about it will wind up as the companies that make more money. Howard Schultz, Chairman CEO of Starbucks CoffeeIntroductionCorporations and companies are often derided for the focus on profits over any responsibility to individuals, employees, or society as a whole. However, as this managerial paper will exhibit, this is ostensibly an outdated outlook of capitalism, as many corporations and companies in the modern world now realize the importance of taking responsibility for their actions as they affect not only their employees and customers directly, but also society as a whole more indirectly. For the last half century, Corporate Social Responsibility has been a buzzword (or phrase, rather) in business circles, as managers and stakeholders alike attempt to address the ways in which they can promote their brand and business outlook through social endeavors not directly related to primary business operations or drivers of profit. This is the key for Corporate Social Responsibility as a business term to benefit the companys goals and profits while also benefiting society as a whole. This paper will address Corporate Social Responsibility from a managers perspective that is, how Corporate Social Responsibility affects consumer behavior and what business managers can do to forward their organizations brand and...


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