A Book Report on Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes Essay

Flowers For Algernon The book, "Flowers for Algernon", was an exciting science fiction novel writtenby Daniel. Keyes .Flowers For Algernon was originally Published by Harcourt Brace(1966) and by Bantam Books (1967) it was reissued in the Harcourt Brace ModernClassics series (1995). The main characters of the story are, Charlie, who is a mentallyretarded individual involved in an experiment which increased his I.Q., Alice, a teacherat the special education faculty at Beekman College who taught Charlie how to read andwrite, Fay, one of Charlie's acquaintances which he meets as the book progresses, andlast but not least Algernon. This novel was exciting and manages to keep your attention throughout the book.This book made me feel emotions such as sorrow, anger, and guilt. One of the elementsof the story which contributes greatly to the mood the reader experiences would be theplot. In the story, Charlie, is subject to an experiment which increases his intelligence inhopes of knowing more in the soul purpose of impressing people to gain friends.Unfortunately some of his anticipation s were not met. The main characters in the novel include Charlie, Alice, Algernon, and Fay, acharacter who did not make much of an appearance, but in my eyes she played a veryimportant part in Charlie's involvement in trying to sort out his past and figure out hispresent and future plans. Charlie is a mentally retarded person who has impressingpeople and gaining friends as one of his top priorities. He then hears of an experimentwhich could possibly make him smart. He makes himself subject to this humanexperiment with the hopes of gaining knowledge in a sole purpose of gaining friends. Asthe book progresses, Charlie goes through dramatic changes mentally, and instead ofmaking him gain friends he actually is looked on in the same way if not worse. Forexample, at Charlie's old work his "friends" made fun of him and enjoyed his companyjust because Charlie had amused them. Yet after the operation, Charlie discovers that...
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