A Book Analysis of Chaim Potok's the Promise Essay

Title of Book The Promise Author of Book Chaim Potok1.In 10-12 sentences, write a brief outline of the plot of the novel. Besure to make clear the major conflict of the story.1.In the beginning of the novel, the main character, Reuben, is spendingsome time with his father at their cottage. His friend, Rachel is alsovacationing nearby. Reuben finds out that Rachel's 14 year old cousin,Michael, is mentally ill, and Reuben seems to be the only person Michaelwill talk to. Near the end of the summer, Reuben's best friend Danny comesto visit Reuben and the Gordons (Rachel's family) invite Danny over todiscuss Michael because Danny is a genius, and he is studying psychology.At the summer's end, Michael is put into the treatment centre at whichDanny is working. Reuben becomes friends with Michael's father, AbrahamGordon, a very respected scholar. Unfortunately, his ideas are not approvedby Reuben's professor, Rav Kalman. Rav Kalman tells Reuben that if hecontinues to see Abraham and Michael Gordon, he will not be given hissmicha, the degree which he has been working to get for so long. Also,Michael does not respond well to the treatment centre, and bec omes violent.Danny decides to use an experimental treatment on Michael, which involvesnot letting him talk to anyone or interact with anything except histherapist. The major conflict is when Michael becomes catatonic, and itseems as if Reuben will not get his smicha and Michael will never be cured.Danny decides to have a long conversation with Rav Kalman, and convinceshim to at least give Reuben the smicha examination. During the examination,Reuben uses a method called test emendation, which is strictly forbidden byhis school. Reuben backs up his arguments so well, that Rav Kalman doesgive him smicha, and when Reuben tells this to Michael (although Michael isin a comatose state) Michael awakes and tells Reuben, Danny and his parentsthat he hates his father because when his father writes a book, all thepeople who disagree with his ideas write hateful...


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