A Character Analysis of Captain Vere in Billy Budd by Herman Melville Essay

"Billy Budd" by Herman Melville Captain Vere In the novella "Billy Budd" by Herman Melville, Captain Vere is the tragic hero. he is neither good nor evil, but rather a man whose concept oforder, discipline, and legality forces him to obey the codes of an authorityhigher than himself even though he may be in personal disagreement.Captain Vere is sailor that is distinctive even in a time of renownedsailors. He has noble blood in him, but his advancement through the naval ranksto that of captain is due more to his outstanding service and personal meritsthan through any connections that he may have had. He was made a post-captainbecause of his gallantry in the West Indian waters as flag-lieutenant underRodney in that admiral's crowning victory over De Grasse.Captain Vere is a rather surprising man to be a captain, for when he isdressed as a civilian he would never be taken for a sailor. For example, henever used nautical terms in his everyday conversations. Even aboard ship, ifone did not know that he was the captain, he could easily be taken for someroyal of the king's that is being transported from one place to another.As Melville points out, He had seen much service, been in variousengagements, always acquitting himself as an office mindful of the welfare ofhis men, but never tolerating an infraction of discipline thoroughly versed inthe science of his profession, and intrepid to the verge of temerity, thoughnever injudiciously so. In fact, his downfall is directly caused by his nevertolerating an infraction of discipline.Captain Vere instinctively disliked Claggert, a man who, for his ownreasons, falsely accuses Billy Budd of plotting a mutiny. While meetingtogether, the charge would have come to naught if Billy Budd hadn't killedClaggert by striking him in the head. After that, whether Billy was innocent ornot was no longer at question. Billy had killed a man on board ship, and thatcan definitely be seen as an infraction of discipline.Billy was...


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