A Book Report on The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton Essay

The Greek Way, by Edith Hamilton, is a fairly good piece of literature that portrays the Greeks way of life. It starts off well organized and deeply researched and then starts to become a bit confusing. The author Edith Hamiltons novel at the beginning gives a meticulous image as to what the Greeks actually lived by. Overall, the book is good and deserves almost no harsh criticism.The first chapter starts off discussing the settling of the Greeks on the far western borders. This was a far more modernized civilization than those that came before it. None of the great civilizations that preceded them or surrounded them served them as a model. By including this information Hamilton has given his readers an exact idea of the way of the Greeks. He actually showed the readers the mind power of the Greeks and their intellect. They had a passion for using their minds. It seems that Edith Hamilton really researched this topic. It seems that much of the information is based on genuine fact. At the end of the first chapter the reader has a clear idea of how the Greeks came about in the West and the education that they had accumulated themselves. In the second chapter Hamilton goes on to explain more about the mind of the Greeks and their spiritual side. The Greeks were the first people in the world to play. All over Greece there were Games all sorts of games athletic contest of every description race horsing, boating, footing, torch racing and contest in music, dancing, etc. This later in the future became know as the Olympic games. Hamilton stated, If we had no other knowledge of what the Greeks were like, if nothing were left of the Greek art and literature, the fact that they were in love with play and played magnificently would be proof enough of how the live and how they look at life. This statement shows how...


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