A Character Analysis of Hepzibah Pyncheon From The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay
Within Nathaniel Hawthorne's The House of the Seven Gables novel,Hepzibah Pyncheon illustrates courageousness Hepzibah bravely handles anychallenges that come her way. For instance, Hepzibah ignores the fact thatClifford Pyncheon considers her unsightly and thus organizes for PhoebePyncheon to take care of Clifford. Further, Hepzibah repeatedly declinesJudge Pyncheon's financial assistance for three decades. Moreover, eventhough she is a gentlewoman, Hepzibah opens a shop when she encountersfinancial hardship. This essay analyses The House of the Seven Gables tohighlight Hepzibah's courageous personality based on the followingbehaviors Hepzibah ignores the fact that Clifford considers her unsightlyand thereby organizes for Phoebe to take care of Clifford Hepzibahrepeatedly declines Judge Pyncheon's financial assistance and even thoughshe is a gentlewoman, Hepzibah opens a shop when she encounters financialhardship. By ignoring the fact that Clifford considers her unsightly and therebyorganizing for Phoebe to take care of Clifford, Hepzibah highlights hercourage. In this regard, Clifford suffers from an emotional andpsychological ailment that necessitates him to have a helper. AlthoughHepzibah is willing to provide the needed assistance, Clifford does notaccept Hepzibah's assistance because Hepzibah is unsightly. Rather thanbreak down in the face of Clifford's rude rejection, Hepzibah instead asksPhoebe, who has a better physical appearance, to take care of Clifford(Hawthorne, n.d.). In view of this situation, a reader would validlycontend that Hepzibah has a courageous personality. This courageouspersonality enables Hepzibah to remain focused on the need to provideassistance to Clifford. Consequently, Hepzibah refuses to dwell on the ideathat Clifford is conceited. Hepzibah also disregards the notion that, byasking Phoebe to assist Clifford, she reinforces the idea that Phoebe ismore attractive than herself. Through this conduct, Hepzibah underlines hercourageous personality. Hepzibah further highlights her courageous personality by repeatedlydeclining Judge Pyncheon's financial assistance. On this note, it isimportant to bear in mind that Hepzibah declines these offers of financialassistance for three decades. Hepzibah rejects this financial assistancebecause she considers Judge Pyncheon...
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