A Case of Unrequited Love in Sonnet 149 by William Shakespeare Essay

In William Shakespeare's sonnet number one hundred and forty-nine there is avery clear case of unrequited love. In a somber tone he outlines the ways inwhich he selflessly served his beloved only to be cruelly rejected. Hisconfusion about the relationship is apparent as he reflects upon his behaviorand feelings towards her. This poem appears to be written to bring closure tothe relationship, but it could be argued that this poem is one final effort towin her affection. The first twelve lines of the poem are a questions proposed by the poetto his beloved. The theme of these questions all lead back to his absolutecommitment to her. The questions show a pattern of pathetic and blind devotionthat is both sad and disheartening to the poet. Canst thou, O cruel, say I love thee not,When I against myself with thee partake?In these two lines Shakespeare is asking is she can deny his love for her whenshe knows that aganist his better judgment, he always he takes her side. Indoing this he gives her total control over him. On the other hand, he iscalling her O cruel which indicates that he may now see through her uncaringways. Similarly he goes on to ask herDo I not think on thee when I forgotAm of myself, all tyrant, for thy sake?This question can be paraphrased to mean Am I not thinking of you when Iforget myself for your sake, tyrant as you are?(Rowse 309) Here again he asksher if she can deny his devotion even though she has acted terribly. The factthat the poet can now see that she is treating him poorly and cruelly indicatesprogress from where he claims to have been in the past. The poets level of devotion increases with the next line ofquestioning which confronts his willingness to shun those whom she findsdispleasing. Who hateth thee that I do call my friendOn whom frown'st that I do fawn upon?From these questions it becomes evident that his...


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