A Brief Summary of the Four Different Greek Types of Love: Phileo, Storge, Eros and Agape Essay

Nowadays, there are many meanings to the word Love, and we use the word Love to express our emotion. We say I love my car, or I love pizza, and we may also use the phrase to people such as I love you. We can say that we love about anything and everything. In English, we have one word for love that word is just love. We are all easily confused of what love is by watching the movies and dramas or reading romance novels. They all speak of love. The more frequently we use the word love, the more the true meaning of love is dim. Something is insufficient in the definition of the word Love. In Greek, different words are used to describe different types of love Phileo, Storge, Eros, and Agape. Phileo is used to describe friendship. Storge is familial love, for example, between parents and child. Eros describes sensual love which is stimulated by our sense. Agape describes pure love that is sacrificial and unconditional. I will attempt to describe the four loves given by the Greek Philosophers. First, Phileo is a friendship type of love. It has its root in the social need of every human being. We are created to live in society, and we must live with others around us to survive. This love can easily be between more than two people. A society needs all members to cooperate with each other for a comfortable life. People can find the Phileo love in this point. Phileo is the love that one has for a friend. People may say when they need someone I need you in my life, so I will befriend you. If you need me, then you can befriend me. But it cannot be last permanently. Additionally, Phileo is a selfish type of love. People like someone who likes them. It seeks its own reward on a conditional basis. However, Phileo provides a willingness...


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